Čaj pro jednoho

...píseň k medardovskému počasí....minuta se zdá jako celý život...tak to cejtím...sedím, koukám na hodiny...čas tak pomalu ubíhá...

How come twenty four hours, Baby sometimes seem to slip into days?
Oh twenty-four hours, Baby sometimes seem to slip into days
A minute seems like a lifetime, baby when I feel this way
Sittin, lookin at the clock, time moves so slow
I've been watchin for the hands to move
Until I just can't look no more
How come twenty four hours, Baby sometimes seems to slip into days?
A minute seems like a lifetime, Baby when I feel this way.

To sing a song for you, I recall you used to say
"Oh baby this one's for we two", Which in the end is you anyway

How come twenty four hours, Baby sometimes slip into days?
A minute seems like a lifetime, baby when I feel this way.

There was a time that I stood tall, In the eyes of other men
But by my own choice I left you woman, And now I can't get back again

How come twenty-four hours, sometimes slip into days?
A minute seems like a lifetime, Baby when I feel this way
A minute seems like a lifetime
When I feel this way...I feel this way


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